Thursday, April 3, 2008

Class : VI Time :45 Min
Sub : Chemistry Marks :25
Name : _______________________________ Roll.No. __________

I. Distinguish between a) solids, liquids & gases b) metals & non metals. 2 x 4 = 8
II. Match the following. 5 x 1/2 = 21/2
i) Used to increase fertility of soil [ ] 1. Funnel
ii) Intelligent guess accepted by [ ] 2. Food preservative
most of the scientists
iii) Used for killing unwanted herbs [ ] 3. Fertilisers
iv) Used in stopping the wastage of food [ ] 4. Herbicide
v) Used for transferring liquids from [ ] 5. Theory
one vessel to another without spilling.
III. Fill in the blanks : 5 x 1 = 5
1. Petroleum is mined from underground ____________
2. ___________ is very essential material for building industry.
3. _____________ is used for stirring liquids.
4. Anything which occupies space and has mass is _____________
5. An ______________ is the smallest unit of matter.
IV. Choose the correct : 3 x ½ = 1 ½
1. The constituents of a compound.
a) can not be separated b) can be separated by physical means
c) can be separated by chemical means d) none of these.
2. An apparatus used to spread heat evenly under a glass apparatus is.
a) Tripod stand b) Iron stand c) wire gauge d) Bunsen burner
3. Apparatus used for measuring small and fixed volume of a liquid is
a) burette b) pipette c) measuring cylinder d) conical flask.
V. State True or False : 8 x ½ = 4
1. Plastic is a good substitute of wood. [ ]
2. Diodes are used in improved fuels [ ]
3. CFC is used in refrigerators as a coolant [ ]
4. Fertilisers do not harm the soil [ ]
5. Economics strength of a country depends upon the quality [ ]
of its chemists.
6. Noble gases can react with each other [ ]
7. H2 represents one molecule of hydrogen [ ]
8. All normal elements give out radioactive radiations [ ]
VI. Draw the following. 4 x 1 = 4
A) Pipette B) Burette C) Spirit lamp D) Funnel

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